
If the area of the figure bounded by a curve, the x-axis, and two ordinates, one of which is constant, the other variable is equal to the ratio of the cube of the variable ordinate to the variable abscissa, then the curve is

If the area of the figure bounded by a curve, the x-axis, and two ordinates, one of which is constant, the other variable is equal to the ratio of the cube of the variable ordinate to the variable abscissa, then the curve is


2 Answers

25750 Points
4 years ago
Dear Raj
I am getting my answer as 
(2y2 – x2)3  = cx2
Please let me know if this id correct then I will shre ny sokution. As I am also not sure about this
Vikas TU
14149 Points
4 years ago
Dear student 
x coordinate = h 
y coordinate = k 
Area of rectangle =length * width 
Ordinate = k 
h * k = k^3 
h = k^2 
Curve is y^2 = x 
So the curve is parabola 

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