find the area bounded by y=|e^x-1| of x axis in the interval [-1,1]
lokesh palingi , 11 Years ago
Grade 12
1 Answers
bharat bajaj
Last Activity: 11 Years ago
y=|e^x-1| Check when e^x - 1 is positive and negative, So, y= -(e^x - 1) -1<x<0 y= +(e^x - 1) 0<x<1 Now integrate, Integral(-1 to 0) of -(e^x - 1) = +1/e Integral(0 to 1) of(e^x - 1) = e Area bounded = e + 1/e
Thanks & Regards
Bharat Bajaj
askIITians Faculty
IIT Delhi
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