
Using integration find the area of the triangular region whose sides have the equations y=2x+1 y=3x+1 x=4 Pls reply with the best soln as fast as possible !!! Always gonna be approved !!!

Using integration find the area of the triangular region whose sides have the equations






Pls reply with the best soln as fast as possible !!!

Always gonna be approved !!!


1 Answers

vikas askiitian expert
509 Points
13 years ago

y = 2x + 1                ..............1

y = 3x + 1                   ..............2

x = 4                   ..........3


line 1 & 2 intersect at P = (0,1)

now , both of these lines are intersected by line 3 so let point of

intersection be Q,R then

P = (4,9)                          (intersection of line 1 with x = 4)

Q = (4,13)                       (intersection of line 2 with x = 4)


now area bw all these lines is area of triangle formed by P,Q,R

A = L2 - L2 dx lim from 0 to 4

A = (3x+1)-(2x+1)     lim from 0 to 4

A = xdx      lim from 0 to 4

A = 8 square units

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