
Write the chemical reaction involved in developing of a black and white photographic film. An aqueous Na 2 S 2 O 3 solution is acidified to give a milky white tubitity. Identify the product and write the balanced half chemical reaction for it.

Write the chemical reaction involved in developing of a black and white photographic film. An aqueous Na2S2O3 solution is acidified to give a milky white tubitity. Identify the product and write the balanced half chemical reaction for it.


1 Answers

Jitender Pal
askIITians Faculty 365 Points
10 years ago
Hello Student,
Please find the answer to your question
Reaction involved in developing of a black and white photographic film.
AgBr +2Na2S2O3 → Na3[Ag(S2­O3)2] + NaBr
unexposed portion
Na2S2O3 + 2H+ → 2Na+ + H2SO3 + S ↓
colloidal sulphur

askIITians Faculty

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