
Why is cis-trans isomerism not possible in coordination complexes with tetrahedral geometry?

Why is cis-trans isomerism not possible in coordination complexes with tetrahedral geometry?

Grade:12th pass

3 Answers

Jayant Kishore
144 Points
8 years ago
Tetrahedral complexes do not show geometrical isomerism because the geometery of the ligands is definite as any two ligands lie at 109o28’ . Therefore the relative positions of  ligands are same with respect to each other.
16 Points
8 years ago
Thus this mean they the bonds of same groups can neither be at the nearest position(cis isomer) nor be at the farthest position(trans isomer)?
Jayant Kishore
144 Points
8 years ago
In tetrahedal geometry no mater if you change the position of ligands from nearest to farthest on paper but both are actually the same if you imagine a 3D shape and look from other side .
All ligands are adjacent to each other at equal angles , so when you change the position of a ligand it will be same again . Try to imagine in 3D

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