Flag Inorganic Chemistry> Why graphite has higher Bond order than d...
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Why graphite has higher Bond order than diamond? Thanks

Chandan Kumar , 7 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 3 Answers

Last Activity: 7 Years ago

The reason behind this is bond energy of C-C bond . In diamond bondlength of C-C bond is 154 pm whereas in graphite it is 145 pm and therefore bond order of graphite is more than diamond that is equal to 1.5 (approx) .  
As u would know that bond length is inversely proportional to bond order . 
  Hope it helps u :) 

Nandini sharma

Last Activity: 7 Years ago

Graphite has sp2 hybridised C-C bonds , while Diamond has sp3 hybridised carbon .And sp2 has higher bond order , which means high bond order . 

abhishek mishra

Last Activity: 6 Years ago

Graphite has pi character in C-C bond while diamond has only sigma bonds. That is why C-C bond order in graphite is more than that in diamond

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