Flag Inorganic Chemistry> Why does LiHCO3 not exist in solid state?...
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Why does LiHCO3 not exist in solid state?

ravi teja teja , 10 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 4 Answers
Aarti Gupta

Last Activity: 10 Years ago

Li differs from rest of the family members and shows anomalous behaviour.Lithium bicarbonate found in solution form while others bicarbonates of alkali metals exist in solid state.Its anomalous behaviour is due to the following reasons:-
1.Its exceptionally small size
2.High polarizing power.
Lithium shows diagonal relationship with Mg.
Thanks & Regard
Aarti Gupta
askiitians Faculty

ravi teja teja

Last Activity: 10 Years ago

Aarti Gupta, You havent answered my question . How does small size and high polarizing power of LiHCO3 account for its existance in solution (aqueous) state?

Ronit Panda

Last Activity: 8 Years ago

Li has high hydration enthalpy due to which its salts and bicarbonates stay in ionic state in liquid but not as an ionic solid

Ronit Panda

Last Activity: 8 Years ago

Lihco3 is an ionic solution as its lattice enthalpy is quite low which accounts for the stability of an ionic solid and it,s hydration enthalpy is very high i.e. a quantitative measure of the stablity of an ionic compound in aqueos solution

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