
why boron nitride is paramegnetic in nature.why BN HAS A PARAMANETIC CHARACTER.

why boron nitride is paramegnetic in nature.why BN HAS A PARAMANETIC CHARACTER.

Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

Umakant biswal
5349 Points
8 years ago
@ pranay 
when u will look at the MO diagram of boron nitride , then
boron have 3 valence electron and nitrogen have 5 valence electron this makes 8 electron , 
u have to start filling from the orbitals with lowest energy 
so, 2 electron is sigma (2s) , and 2 electron is sigma star(2s) , 2 electron in sigma ( 2p ) 
u have 2 electron left and 2 orbitals of same energy ., 
now , u have to follow hunds rule , and after that when u filled u will end up with 2 unpair electron ,
so, paramagnetism nature is explained . 

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