Flag Inorganic Chemistry> Which of the following is not a natural r...
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Which of the following is not a natural resource?land mineralwater electricity

Vikas Amritiya , 4 Years ago
anser 3 Answers
Vikas TU

Last Activity: 4 Years ago

Dear student 
Among land , Mineral , water , electricity , Electricity is not a natural resource because human extract electricity . all other are Natural Resourse. 
Good Luck 

ankit singh

Last Activity: 4 Years ago


  • Resources are assets that are used by the living systems for the survival and development.
  • Among the given options minerals land and water are present in the nature itself and are hence natural resources.
  • Electricity though produced from natural resources it requires different processes to generate electricity and hence is not a natural resource.




Last Activity: 3 Years ago

6 months ago


  • Resources are assets that are used by the living systems for the survival and development.
  • Among the given options minerals land and water are present in the nature itself and are hence natural resources.
  • Electricity though produced from natural resources it requires different processes to generate electricity and hence is not a natural resource.

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