Flag Inorganic Chemistry> What is the correct shape of XeO 4 and ho...
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What is the correct shape of XeO4and how can it be explained? Will pi bonds cause the shape to be square planar or will it be tetrahedral like a normal case? Similarly, will XeO2 be linear because of pi bonds or bent like a normal case or square planar because of polymerism? Please help.

Anshul Gupta , 9 Years ago
Grade 10
anser 1 Answers
Ashutosh Sharma

Last Activity: 9 Years ago

tetrahedral as because of sp3 hybridization and it can’t be a square planer as you always need 6 bonds for that.
and in case ofXeO2 it;s shape will be linear as because of sp3 but it dosen’t have that number of bonds to give tetrahedral shape.

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