Flag Inorganic Chemistry> The greater the charge on cation, the gre...
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The greater the charge on cation, the greater the covalent character on the ionic bond. Explain how???

Ansh Kathait , 5 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 1 Answers
Vikas TU

Last Activity: 5 Years ago

Dear student 
Smaller the size of cation, greater is its polarising power,thus greater will be the covalent nature of the bond.
Larger the size of anion, greater is its polarizability thus greater will be the covalent nature of the bond .
As the charge on ion increases, the electrostatic attraction of the cation for the outer electrons of the onion also increases, with the result its ability for forming the covalent bond increases.
For the two ions of the same size and charge,one with pseudo noble gas configuration will be more polarizing than a cation with noble gas configuration.

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