Sodium sulphate is soluble in water whereas barium sulphate is sparingly soluble because
a. the hydration energy of sodium sulphate is more than its lattice energy
b. the lattice energy of barium sulphate is more than its hydration energy
c. the lattice energy has no role to play in solubility
d. the hydration energy of sodium sulphate is less than its lattice energy
Shane Macguire , 10 Years ago
Grade upto college level
1 Answers
Navjyot Kalra
Last Activity: 10 Years ago
Sol. (a) Correct : For greater solubility, hydration energy must be greater than lattice energy.
(b) Correct : Greater lattice energy discourage dissolution of a salt.
(c) Incorrect : When a salt dissolve, energy is required to break the lattice, which comes from hydration process.
(d) Incorrect : Explained in (A).
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