
sir please tell me a shotcut to get hybridisation in complex compounds.

sir please tell me a shotcut to get hybridisation in complex compounds.


1 Answers

Sunil Kumar FP
askIITians Faculty 183 Points
10 years ago
Hybridisation of a molecule or an ion can be predicted by making use of the following formula.

Number of Hybrid orbitals (H)=n

=1/2[group no central atom +no of atoms attached to central metal atom (like H , Cl, F.except O) + magnitude of negative charge - magnitude of positive charge]

but there is no shortcut to remember such type of hybridisation because of exception,role of weak and strong ligand,formation of high spin and low spin complexes.
one thinh you can do is remember the strong and weak ligand and according to it solve the hybridisation by yourself

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