Molecular mass of O2 and SO2 are 32 and 64 respectively. If one litre of O2 at?15oC and 750 mm Hg pressure contains N molecules, the number of molecules in two litres of SO2 under the same conditions of temperature and pressure will be 1. 2N2. N 3. N/24. 4N
Nitin Kumar , 8 Years ago
Grade 11
1 Answers
Vikas TU
Last Activity: 8 Years ago
From ideal gas eqn. PV = nRT,
moles for O2 => PV/RT => 1*1/RT
no. of molecules,
N = Na/RT............(1)
moles of SO2 => PV/RT => 1*2/RT
no. of molecules,
M = 2Na/RT........(2)
divide both the eqns. we get,
N/M = ½
M = 2N
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