
If metal ions of group III are precipitated by NH base 4CI and NH base 24OH without prior oxidation by conc. HNO base 3 ……………… is

If metal ions of group III are precipitated by NH base 4CI and NH base 24OH without prior oxidation by conc. HNO base 3 ……………… is

Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

Kevin Nash
askIITians Faculty 332 Points
10 years ago
Fe^3+; Without oxidation with HNO base 3, the Fe^2+ ions present would not be converted into Fe^3+. So Fe(OH) base 2 will not be precipitated as its solubility product is higher than that of Fe(OH) base 3 and as NH base 4CI suppresses the ionization of NH base 4OH, this solubility product is not reached

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