Flag Inorganic Chemistry> thermodynamics-g...
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If ΔG° a reaction is positive, then the reaction will not proceed at all, in the forward direction for any concentration of the reactants and the products. This statement is false. Explain.

Pranjal K , 11 Years ago
Grade upto college level
anser 1 Answers
Sunil Kumar FP

Last Activity: 11 Years ago

yes the statemenrt is not true .

we know that ×G =×H - T×S
where ×represents delta
delta h -ve ,delta s +ve always spontaneous
h=+ve s=-ve non spontNeous at lll temperature
h=+ve s=+ve spontaneous at high temperatue
h=-ve s=-ve zpontaneous at low temperarure
in the reaction of the formation of NO and No2 the standard free energy change is 87.6kj/mole and 51.3kj/mole .yet we see the formation of NO and NO2.
N2 + O2----2NO
NO + .5 O2------NO2

thus we see that although delta g is positive yet the reaction occurs

thanks and regards
sunil kumar
askIItian faculty

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