Flag Inorganic Chemistry> I would like to know the method to calcul...
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I would like to know the method to calculate covalencies of transition d blck elements. Do we have to transfer the electrons of excited state to the vacant orbitals and then count unpaired electons??????????

Akashdeep , 7 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 2 Answers
Chemistry Expert - askIITians

Last Activity: 7 Years ago

Transition elements have free d-orbital which helps them to have a no. of valencies.
but before understanding method to count covalency one must know the meaning of covalency,

Covalency is the no. of valence electrons available in atom to form the covalent bond.

To count the covalency first write the electronic configuration of the element.
for example:
Ground state of Vanadium: [Ar]4s23d3
Now, excited state of Vanadium: [Ar]4s13d4

Now count the no. of half filled orbitals which are available to accept the electrons to form the covalent bond here we have 5.

Hence, to know the max covalency of an element you have count the no. of unpaired electrons in the excited state.

Shivam modanwal

Last Activity: 7 Years ago

1.We know that, the number of electron which are realised from atom show the valency of atom.This method use to determine the valencies of d-orbital elements.Let,from Fe(transition elements)                                                                                                                    
   Fe= [Ar],4S​2,3D6
In this time 2 eletrons are present in outer shell,so it remove 2 eletrons and formed Fe2+.​ 
  2.No,to determine the number of unpair electrons we do not have to exited the atom to transfer the electrons to vacant orbital.

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