Flag Inorganic Chemistry> i have read that NH3 act as a SFL with M+...
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i have read that NH3 act as a SFL with M+3 oxidation state and act as a WFL with M+2 oxidation state.Also it is stated that when NH3 forms a complex with M+2 oxidation state its stability constant is 10^11 and when h20 forms a complex with M+2 oxidation state its stability constant is 10^15, though in spectrochemical series NH3 is far ahead of H20 (Source-Triump chemistry ,target publications) So,if that is to believed then [Ni(H2O)6]^2+ should be more stable then [Ni(NH3)6]^2+ as Ni is in +2 oxidation state.Now coming to the crux question, we need to arrange the complexes in correct order for the Wavelength of absorption in the visible region (PYQ- AIIMS 2005) the options are [Ni(NO2)6]^4-

Siddharth bisht , 4 Years ago
Grade 12
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