In so3 sulphur has the hybridization of sp2 becuase it has sigma bonds of three with the three oxygen atoms
Gaddam Chethan
Last Activity: 9 Years ago
Hybridization of sulphur in SO3 is SP2 hybridization.Because It has 3 sigms bonds with three oxygen atoms.
Prabhakar ch
Last Activity: 9 Years ago
Dear Gowri Sankar
The answer for your question is Sp2 hybridisation
All the best for your bright future
Last Activity: 9 Years ago
my dear gowri the hybridisation of supher tri oxide is sp2 and it has oxygenated 3 sigma bonds,hybridisation is the main basic of fundamental chemistry.
Last Activity: 9 Years ago
the hybridization of including sigma and pi bonds. Note that the so3 hybridization is sp for the central carbon atom. It's sp2 for each of the oxygen atoms as well.
Last Activity: 9 Years ago
Gowri Sankar,Hybridization of sulphur in SO3 is SP2 hybridization.Because It has 3 sigms bonds with three oxygen atoms.
Last Activity: 9 Years ago
Hybridization of sulphur in SO3 is SP2 hybridization.Because It has 3 sigms bonds with three oxygen atoms
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