Flag Inorganic Chemistry> how to prepare for P BLOCK , D BLOCK , AN...
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how to prepare for P BLOCK , D BLOCK , AND F BLOCK FOR jee-mains

varun , 8 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 1 Answers

Last Activity: 8 Years ago

hello varun,
the same problem you are facing i also faced that one when i am preparing for jee. but i got a simple way to solve it:
  1. first i take a big printout of periodic table
  2. then i clear by basic concepts related to it from class 9 ncert books
  3. then i take a quick revision of my class notes
  4. then i started comparing the properties of element of each block
  5.  i also prepered my personal notes at that time
  6.  take it easy as these chapters are scoring
  7. learn terms like atomic radius and other first which are used in these chapters
  8.  best of luck and please approve my answer
  9. any problem related these chapters please post
  10. thanx again, in hope you will crack iit

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