Flag Inorganic Chemistry> how is the trend in the solubilities of f...
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how is the trend in the solubilities of fluorides and hydroxides diffrent from that of sulphetes of the alkaline earth meatals.

ved babu , 8 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 1 Answers
Vikas TU

Last Activity: 8 Years ago

Check their solubilities via size difference b/w the atoms as the metal is associated from the second group.
As for first and second group elements the solibility must be checked from the size difference.
Therefore for fluorides and hydroxides the being the small atom and so are the alkaline earth metals the size differnece would be samll hence greater would be the solubility.
In case of sulphates the size differnece would so large as suplhates are bigger ions the solubility would be less.

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