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how is O3 estimated quantitatively?

king , 11 Years ago
Grade Upto college level
anser 3 Answers
Ruchi Shaw

Last Activity: 11 Years ago

It is estimated with the help of potassium iodide , when ozone and potassium iodide react, iodine is liberated, now this iodine is titrated against a stand solution of sodium thiosulphate using starch as an indicator.

Thanks & Regards
Ruchi Shaw
askIITians Faculty

Gurleen Kaur

Last Activity: 6 Years ago

The quantitative estimation of ozone gas can be done idiometrically l.when ozone is treated with exess of potassium iodide, bufferred with a borate buffer(pH=9.2), iodine is liberated which can be titrated against a standard solution of sodium thiosulphate.
2I+H2O+O3------>2OH+I2 +O2
Iodine liberated is titrated against a standard hypo(sodium thiosulphate) slution using such as an indicator.
2Na2S2O3 +I2------>Na2S4O6+2Nacl

Kushagra Madhukar

Last Activity: 4 Years ago

Dear student,
Please find the answer to your question.
The quantitative estimation of ozone gas can be done idiometrically.
When ozone is treated with exess of potassium iodide, bufferred with a borate buffer(pH=9.2), iodine is liberated.
2I + H2O + O3 → 2OH  + I2 + O2
The Iodine liberated is titrated against a standard hypo(sodium thiosulphate) slution using starch as an indicator.
2Na2S2O3 + I2 → Na2S4O6 + 2NaCl
Thanks and regards,

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