
How glycerol prepare from propylene? How does glycerol react with khso4

How glycerol prepare from propylene? How does glycerol react with khso4

Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

Vikas TU
14149 Points
7 years ago
Glycerol is set up from propylene by chlorination of propylene and after that oxidizing the item which is partner chloride with hypochlorite to getdichlorohydrins which then resct with a solid base to get epichlorodyhydrin which is hydrolysed to get glycerol 
It responds with KHSO4 takes after: 
CH2OH-CH(OH)- CH2OH + KHSO4 (- 2H2O) - > CH2=C=CH-OH 
The KHSO4 gets dried out glycerol to shape acrolein.

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