Flag Inorganic Chemistry> Formal charge on nitrogen and oxygen in N...
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Formal charge on nitrogen and oxygen in NO3-​ ion are respectively: (a)0, -1/3(b) +1,-1/3(c)+1,-2/3(d)0,-2/3

Mayank Ranka , 4 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 4 Answers
Vikas TU

Last Activity: 4 Years ago

Dear student 

FC = V-N-B/2 
where V = no of valence electron 
N = No. of non bonding electrons
B = No. of electrons in covalent bond
Formal charge of N on  NO3- =0 
Formal charge of O on NO3- = -1/3 

Vikas Amritiya

Last Activity: 4 Years ago


Formula change is basically a change given to an atom, on assuming that the electrons in a chemical bond are shared equally between the atoms, neglecting theirrelative, EN.
FC=VN2B       (V=no. of valance electronN=No. of non bonding electronsB=No. of electrons in covalent bond)
FC on N in NO3=0
FC on O in NO3=31


Last Activity: 3 Years ago

Formula change is basically a change given to an atom, on assuming that the electrons in a chemical bond are shared equally between the atoms, neglecting theirrelative, .
FC=VN2B       (V=no. of valance electronN=No. of non bonding electronsB=No. of electrons in covalent bond)
FC on N in NO3=01
FC on O in =3


Last Activity: 3 Years ago

Formula change is basically a change given to an atom, on assuming that the electrons in a chemical bond are shared equally between the atoms, neglecting theirrelative, .
FC=VN2B       (V=no. of valance electronN=No. of non bonding electronsB=No. of electrons in covalent bond)
FC on N in NO3=01
FC on O in =3 

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