Flag Inorganic Chemistry> explin what is kernel in metalic bond dif...
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explinwhat is kernel in metalic bonddiffarence between valence elacron core and kernel

kishore prathipati , 9 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 1 Answers

Last Activity: 8 Years ago

In order to understand kernel let’s know about electron sea model.

According to this theory, valency electrons are weakly bound to the kernel (or core) in metals. The valency electrons are completely delocalized and are frequently exchanged between the atoms. In other words, the valency electrons do not belong to one atom in particular and they move freely from one kernel to another. Hence the atoms assume a positive charge (cation) and the valency electrons form an ‘Electron Sea or pool” which binds together the cationic centres, hence a metallic lattice is thought of as containing positive ions together by a mobile gas or sea.The force that binds a metal ion to the mobile within its sphere of influence is known as metallic bond.


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