
Compound (X) on reduction with LiAIH 4 gives a hydride (Y) containing 21.72% hydrogen along with other products. The compound (Y) reacts with air explosively resulting in boron trioxide. Identify (X) and (Y). Give balanced reactions involved in the formation of (Y) and its reaction with air. Draw the structure of (Y).

Compound (X) on reduction with LiAIH4 gives a hydride (Y) containing 21.72% hydrogen along with other products. The compound (Y) reacts with air explosively resulting in boron trioxide. Identify (X) and (Y). Give balanced reactions involved in the formation of (Y) and its reaction with air. Draw the structure of (Y).

Grade:upto college level

1 Answers

Navjyot Kalra
askIITians Faculty 654 Points
10 years ago
Since B2O3 is formed by reaction of (Y) with air, (Y) therefore should be B2H6 in which % of hydrogen is 21.72. The compound (X) on reduction with LiAIH4 gives B2H6. Thus it is boron trihalide. The reactions are show as:
4BX3 + 3LiAIH4 → 2B2H6 + 3LiX + 3AIX3
(X) (Y) (X = CI or Br)
B2H6 + 3O2 → B2O6 + 3H2O + heat
Structure of B2H6 is as follows:
Thus the diborane molecular has four tow-centre- two – electron bonds (2c – 2e bonds) also called usual bonds and two three -centre -two –electron bonds (3c – 2e) also called banana bonds. Hydrogen attached to usual and banana bonds are called Ht (terminal H) and Hb (bridge H) respectively.

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