
can you please tell me wht is the hybridisation of P4 and S8? can you please show how?

can you please tell me wht is the hybridisation of P4 and S8? can you please show how?


2 Answers

Vikas TU
14149 Points
7 years ago
On the off chance that you are discussing 4 phosphorus particles fortified together (which does not bode well), then the lewis structure would be p - p - p and one more above or underneath the inside p. 
Hybridization would be Sp2 since there are 3 ligands (trigonal planar). 
For 4 phosphorus molecules are clung to a focal carbon. P - C - P and there is one P on the highest point of C and one beneath the C. Hence for 4 ligands the hyb. would be sp3.
10 Points
7 years ago
Thank you.
So, if they just ask us about P4 hybridisation,I Better consider it to be :: sp2 hybridised.

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