Flag Inorganic Chemistry> Can we create enjymes efficiently?...
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Can we create enjymes efficiently?

Ashish , 11 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 2 Answers
ruchi yadav

Last Activity: 11 Years ago

Yes we can create enzymes with good efficiency .

Enzymes exist in all biological systems in abundant numbers, but not all of their functions are fully understood. Enzymes are important for a variety of reasons, most significantly because they are involved in many chemical reactions that help us to maintain our daily lives. Increasing the reaction rate of a chemical reaction allows the reaction to become more efficient, and hence more products are generated at a faster rate. These products then become involved in some other biological pathway that initiates a certain function of the human body. This is known as catalytic efficiency of enzymes, which, by increasing the rates, results in a more efficient chemical reaction within a biological system.

Thank You
Askiitians Faculty

ruchi yadav

Last Activity: 11 Years ago

es we can create enzymes with good efficiency .
Enzymes exist in all biological systems in abundant numbers, but not all of their functions are fully understood. Enzymes are important for a variety of reasons, most significantly because they are involved in many chemical reactions that help us to maintain our daily lives. Increasing the reaction rate of a chemical reaction allows the reaction to become more efficient, and hence more products are generated at a faster rate. These products then become involved in some other biological pathway that initiates a certain function of the human body. This is known as catalytic efficiency of enzymes, which, by increasing the rates, results in a more efficient chemical reaction within a biological system.

Thank You
Askiitians Faculty

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