
anhydrous aluminium trichloride is covalen in nature. However, in aqueous solution it ionizes to give al3+ (aq) and cl-(aq). explain with the help of a born haber cycle

anhydrous aluminium trichloride is covalen in nature. However, in aqueous solution it ionizes to give al3+ (aq) and cl-(aq). explain with the help of a born haber cycle

Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

Naveen Kumar
askIITians Faculty 60 Points
9 years ago
The born-Haber cycle tells about all the individual energy changes.
The given compound is covalent burt when it is released in water due to very high hydration enthalpy, it overcomes the ionisation enthalpy and crystal enertgy for this compound. The overall energy change is found to be favourable for this dissociaton of covalent compound in water and hence shows ionic property in solution.

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