
Among phenol , water ,liquid NH3 and HCl , which doesnot not have hydrogen bonding ? plz give me reson

Among phenol , water ,liquid NH3 and HCl , which doesnot not have hydrogen bonding ? plz give me reson


1 Answers

Vikas TU
14149 Points
7 years ago
All polar protic solvents elemnts have the tendency for H-Bonding.
Therefore, compounds containing the elements O,N,X=F(mostly)  and S sometimes would form H-BONDS.
And here U can notice all are high electronegative elements.
Phenol, NH3 and HCl and water all are elogible for making the H-bonds. 
But still HCl becomes exception here due to dipole – dipole interaction b/w the molecules.

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