A 500ml glass flask is filled at stp with a mixture of gases X,Y and Z all are diatomic elemental substances, the initial volume ratio of the gases are 5:3:1. When it was heated a violent exothermic reaction took place in which all the reactants were usedup. After the flasked cooled down a compound A was found on the walls of flask. A was found to be a ternary compound in which the mass % of one element is 36.0% What are X,Y and Z? What is the chemical composition of A? What is the chemical equation for the reaction that occured in the experiment.
Sakura Misara , 9 Years ago
Grade 11
1 Answers
Last Activity: 4 Years ago
According to given data. Mole ratio of gas x,y,z are 5 : 3 : 1 →As given in the question that the density of heaviest gas in the mixture is not more then 25 times that of lightest gas. Hence gas mix should be H2, F2, O2
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