
metal + soln. of its ions leads to discharging of the ions into atoms. ions with lower discharge potential get discharged first. what factors influence the low discharge potential and is their a series similar to activity series with the order of these elements? does it depend on ionisation enthalpy for anions and electronegativity for cations?

metal + soln. of its ions leads to discharging of the ions into atoms. ions with lower discharge potential get discharged first. what factors influence the low discharge potential and is their a series similar to activity series with the order of these elements? does it depend on ionisation enthalpy for anions and electronegativity for cations?

Grade:Upto college level

1 Answers

askIITians Faculty 131 Points
9 years ago
Discharge potential is ability of an ion to get discharge at electrode. Ion with less discharge potential will be discharged first.

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