
I want to know how to calculate hybridisation of an atom in a given compound like I want to calculate hybridisation of Boron & Oxygen in this boric acid compound 3 B O 3 I even want to know any simpler easier method to calculate fast

I want to know how to calculate hybridisation of an atom in a given compound like I want to calculate hybridisation of Boron & Oxygen in this boric acid compound 3BO3 I even want to know any simpler easier method to calculate fast


1 Answers

Akash Kumar Dutta
98 Points
11 years ago

Dear Abhishek,

The formula for boric acid is H3 BO3
To calculate for Boron:-
as it is the cental atom...
No of valence electrons of all atoms:24
no. of octets:24/8=3
lone pairs=0
Hence the Hybrid state of Boron is sp2.

For O...
Drawing the srtucture of H3 BO3 as the central atom...
we get every O has one double bond and one coordinate bond.
Hence it has only one sigma bond so it does not enters a hybrid state.


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