
Explain ,Why NH4+ ion doesnot form complexes?

Explain ,Why NH4+ ion doesnot form complexes?

Grade:12th Pass

5 Answers

45 Points
11 years ago

NH4+ Ion does not act as ligand because nitrogen atom has no lone pair of
electrons which it can donate to metal atom.

Aravind Bommera
36 Points
11 years ago

Complexes are generally formed by donation of a pair of electrons from the
ligand to metal; as NH3 with a lone pair on nitrogen can form complexes but
NH4+ does not have it.So,it can''t.




Proton spin lattice relaxation by NH4+ ion motions and spin diffusion in some ammonium compounds

Annu chhabra
11 Points
7 years ago
Ammonia is a good Lewis Base, has a tendency to donate electrons. Ammonia has free lone pair, it can form stable complex by donating the electrons while ammonium ion do not have free lone pair to donate, so not form complex ions.
14 Points
4 years ago
Ammonia being a good Lewis Base, has a tendency to donate electrons. Due to the presence of free lone pair, it can form stable complex by donating the electrons.
Ammonium ion does not have free lone pair to donate, so it can’t form complex ions.
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Kushagra Madhukar
askIITians Faculty 628 Points
4 years ago
Dear student,
Please find the answer to your question below.
Complexes are generally formed by donation of a pair of electrons from the ligand to a metal.
Since, NH4+ does not have a lone pair to donate, it cannot form Complex compounds and act as a ligand.
(Unlike NH3 which has a lone pair on nitrogen and can form complexes)
Thanks and regards,

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