
why is the order of acidity of oxyacids of phosphorus H3PO2>H3PO3>H3PO4, if the total number of FURNISHABLE hydrogens in H3PO2 is the least(JUST EQUAL TO 1)?

why is the order of acidity of oxyacids of phosphorus 

H3PO2>H3PO3>H3PO4, if the total number of FURNISHABLE hydrogens in H3PO2 is the least(JUST EQUAL TO 1)?


1 Answers

ruchi yadav
askIITians Faculty 27 Points
10 years ago
it is the order of reduction power not acidity acidity of oxo acids increases with increase in oxidation state of central atom! Btw reductive power of h3po2 is more because it has two p-h bonds and p-h bonds are responsible for reduction power of acid.

Thank You


Askiitians Faculty

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