
bond distance C-F in (CF 4 ) & Si-F in (SiF 4 ) are respective 1.22 A* & 1.54 A*. C-Si bond is 1.87 A*. Calculate the covalent radius of F atom ignoring the electronegativity differences.

bond distance C-F in (CF4) & Si-F in (SiF4) are respective 1.22 A* & 1.54 A*. C-Si bond is 1.87 A*. Calculate the covalent radius of F atom ignoring the electronegativity differences. 


1 Answers

Sunil Kumar FP
askIITians Faculty 183 Points
10 years ago
bond distance C-F in (CF4) & Si-F in (SiF4) are respective 1.22 A* & 1.54 A*. C-Si bond is 1.87 A*
let the radius of carbon,silicon and fluorine atom be x,y and z respectively
now the sum of the radius of each atom will be equal to the bond distance
x +y =1.87
z+a =1.22
now solving these three equation we get the radius of fluorine
as .125A

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