
Why AgCl is white, AgBr pale yellow AgI yrllow and Ag2S black?

Why AgCl is white, AgBr pale yellow

AgI yrllow and Ag2S black?


2 Answers

Swapnil Saxena
102 Points
12 years ago

This can be explained on the basic of ionic percentage of the following compounds.

Ionic character Percentage : AgCl>AgBr>AgI>Ag2S

It is generally seen that compounds with more than 20% ionic character are generally colorless.However below 20% shows a shift from orange frm to yellow and finally to black in these compounds with decreasing ionicity or increasing covalent nature.

Menka Malguri
39 Points
12 years ago

Calculate the energy in kilocalorie per mole of the photons of an electromagnetic radiation  of wavelength 7600 Å.

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