Last Activity: 14 Years ago
Dear student,
Industrial applications for hydrogen peroxide include the manufacture of sodium percarbonate used as mild bleaches in laundry detergents.
A combination of a powdered precious metal-based catalyst, hydrogen peroxide, methanol and water can produce superheated steam in one to two seconds, releasing only Co2and high-temperature steam for a variety of purposes
Recently, there has been increased use of vapourised H2O2 in the validation and bio-decontamination of half-suit and glove-port isolators in pharmaceutical production.
(PWRs) use hydrogen peroxide during the plant shutdown to force the oxidation and dissolution of activated corrosion products deposited on the fuel. The corrosion products are then removed with the cleanup systems before the reactor is disassembled.
Hydrogen peroxide is also used in the oil and gas exploration industry to oxidize rock matrix in preparation for micro-fossil analysis.
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Askiitians Expert
Sagar Singh
B.Tech, IIT Delhi