
Which book to purchase?JD Lee or Prabhat kumar? Please help me out

Which book to purchase?JD Lee or Prabhat kumar? Please help me out


2 Answers

askiitian expert akshay singh
8 Points
15 years ago


concerning jee,u should purchase jd lee although prabhat kumar too is a nice book but jd lee is a complete reference book,u dont need anything else for inorganic chemistry if u have jdlee.So purchase jd lee

Pratham Ashish
17 Points
15 years ago


according to me for inorganic chem,jdlee is d perfect book n u can go for it cauz it is sufficient for iit-jee preparation...but also i wanna add dat u may keep an extra book such dat if u r n't able to understand any thing in d jd lee book den u can go for d other book n for dis i wud prefer o.p agarwal which is also a gud textbook for iit-jee preparation.....


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