how can we predict the hybridisation of nitrogen in NH4+??plz explain the geometry of the molecule...........
Priyanka Pavithran , 14 Years ago
Grade 11
3 Answers
Souradeep Majumder
Last Activity: 14 Years ago
I THINK ITS HYBRIDIZATION IS SP3.......................... IN OUTERMOST SHELL N HAS 5 ATOMS......... 1 POSITIVE CHARGE........... 4 HYDROGEN ATOMS............... SO HYBVRIDIZATION IS 1/2(5+4-1) THAT IS 4...SO SP3
piyush narang
Last Activity: 14 Years ago
it is sp3 hybrid.................. here we can use the frmula 1\2(N+B-c) where N is no. of valence e- in central atom, b is no. of atoms surrounding it & c is total charge on atom................
using the frmula we get 1\2(5+4-1) = 4 hence sp3 hybridized
Ruchi fanyan
Last Activity: 8 Years ago
Hybridisation is sp3 of NH4 because in outermost shel it have 5 valence electrons and big positive charge and it have four hydrogen atom that is attached to it so formula to calculate hybridisation is 1/2(5+4-1) is equal to 4 so it is sp3
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