Flag Inorganic Chemistry> Hybridisation in Hydrogen Sulfide...
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Respected Sir,If in the JEE exam its been asked that what is the hybridisation of H2S,what are we goin to select---sp3 or zero hyb.Also please tell with full elaboration about the hybridisation of H2S.

Shashank Shekhar , 14 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 2 Answers

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Dear shashank,

In H2S the orbitals involved are s orbitals of hydrogen atoms and s and p orbitals of S(sulfur)The electronic configuration of sulfur is 3s2,3px2,3py1,3pz1 as there are six electrons in the outer most orbit. as there are two orbitals having two electrons each and two p orbitals having one electron each, the stable orientation is obtained by sp3 hybridization,two take pair of electrons as far away as possible and two sp3 orbitals having one electron each combine with s orbital of hydrogen to form single bond. this gives an bond angle greater than 90 but less than 108 as in hydrocarbons .the bond length is also explained by this.

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Sagar Singh

B.Tech, IIT Delhi

gaurav gupta

Last Activity: 13 Years ago

There is no hybridisation in H2S. search drado rule

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