
In aqueous solution of potassium dichromate the chromate and dichromate ions will be in equillibrium at what ph?

In aqueous solution of potassium dichromate the chromate and dichromate ions will be in equillibrium at what ph?


1 Answers

878 Points
14 years ago

Dear shashank,

The equation for the equilibrium is:
2(CrO4)2- + 2H+ <--> (Cr2O7)2- + H2O
At low pH the concentration of H+ is high and the position of equilibrium is moved to the right and the solution becomes more orange (i.e. more dichromate).
At high pH the concentration of H+ is low and the position of equilibrium is moved to the left and the solution becomes more yellow (i.e. more chromate).
At pH7, the position of equilibrium lies between these two extremes.

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