
which would be a better book for advanced questions : MLkhannah objective SK goyal RD objective or suggest a better book

which would be a better book for advanced questions :
MLkhannah objective
SK goyal
RD objective
or suggest a better book


4 Answers

Yash Baheti IIT Roorkee
askIITians Faculty 97 Points
10 years ago

Both are equally good.
Both have a huge problem set. SK Goyal have a quick chapter review as well. So it can be preferred if you need to choose one out of two. But both are equally good as such.

Dont go for RD Objective for JEE Prepration.

Yash Baheti IIT Roorkee
askIITians Faculty 97 Points
10 years ago

Both are equally good.
Both have a huge problem set. SK Goyal have a quick chapter review as well. So it can be preferred if you need to choose one out of two. But both are equally good as such.

Dont go for RD Objective for JEE Prepration.

Yash Baheti IIT Roorkee
askIITians Faculty 97 Points
10 years ago

Both are equally good.
Both have a huge problem set. SK Goyal have a quick chapter review as well. So it can be preferred if you need to choose one out of two. But both are equally good as such.

Dont go for RD Objective for JEE Prepration.

36 Points
9 years ago
go for s.k.goyal

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