Flag IIT JEE Entrance Exam> when i solved this question i am using L=...
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when i solved this question i am using L=mvrsin(thita) where thita is angle between v and r vector but, in the solution it is given thita is 90 degree how????? please explain with the help of draw

Sitanshu Yadav , 5 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 1 Answers
Samyak Jain

Last Activity: 5 Years ago

Let the point on the ground right under the centre of the circle be origin (0,0).
Consider verticle line through the origin to be y-axis, horizontal axis be x-axis and then z-axis is perpendicular
to both x and y axes passing through (0,0).
The velocity vector is in a plane parallel to x-z plane. Now, imagine an instance of the motion of the particle.
Join the origin to the point of the particle. This is the radius vector, which is in the x-y plane, perpendicular to x-z plane (i.e. perpendicular to the plane parallel to x-z plane where horizontal table is present).

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