Flag IIT JEE Entrance Exam> What is the eligibility for jee advanced ...
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What is the eligibility for jee advanced 2016wether do i need to be in top 20 percentile or do i need to have 75% in 12th CBSE or both.I got 76% this year, am i eligible form 2nd condition, for Jee advanced 2016 ?

Naman , 9 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 2 Answers
Vijay Mukati

Last Activity: 9 Years ago

Candidate should satisfy at least one of these two criteria. Hence you can appear for JEE. For detailed eligibility criteria refer to its official website. Thanks.

Soneel Verma

Last Activity: 9 Years ago

The board score has to be in nineties and Jee score varies every year so it depends on the cutoff list, but yes, previou yeear’s cutoff may be consulted for a better view or you may simply visit the official weblink of Jeemains to get a clearer view, one has to be dedicated for preparation, i may suggest these tips –

Try to make out what are the weaker points in the field of PCM, work harder on them, download concerned topic papers and practice them, define a proper time for practice, join some reputed educational institution for getting training and finally appear in the tests Jeemains and Jeeadvanced,....join counselling rounds by Josaa and get to know about your allottment, else try at other reputed institutions, like –  Walchand College of Engg, Sangli,.............Maharashtra Inst of Tech, Pune,..............BITS Pilani,...............Lovely Professional uni, Phagwara,.........    and pursue your graduation from there followed by placement in top rated MNCs,....Good Luck

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