Last Activity: 6 Years ago
(a) KEY CONCEPT : Use the equation of a plane progressive wave which is as follows.
y = A cos (a x + b t)
Since the wave is reflected by an obstacle, it will suffer a phase difference of π. The intensity of the reflected wave is 0.64 times of the incident wave.
Intensity of original wave I ∝ A2
Intensity of reflected wave I’ = 0.64 I
⇒ I’ ∝ A’2⇒ 0.64 I ∝ A’2
⇒ 0.64 A2∝ A’2⇒ A’ ∝ 0.8A
So the equation of resultant wave becomes
y2= 0.8A cos (ax – bt + π) = -0.8A cos (ax – bt)