Flag IIT JEE Entrance Exam> Sir,this year in 2016 I gave for the firs...
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Sir,this year in 2016 I gave for the first tym jee advanced bt unfortunately after checking the answers i came to know that i have got a very less marks....surely below cut offs...so is it better to drop a year i.e. stay completely at home and study or join any enging college bt prepare for JE 2017????Because i never know that if nxt year also i fail to qualify den it will be a great problem...so i thought of taking the suggestions of IITians....Plz reply sir in detail....Thank u

Sibashis ghosh , 8 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 1 Answers
Aneesh Sehgal

Last Activity: 8 Years ago

Cracking JEE is not an easy task but not altogethr a tough nut to crack as well, one must be focused and determined and the things work very well. I suggest you to drop a year only when you are determined to make yourself undergo a stern and strict practice, join some reputed coaching center and go for an extensive practice then only there is any fun in dropping a year or else there are so many esteemed and leading institutions which ensure quality education as well as placements in prestigious MNC’s, you may choose any of them – College of Engineering, Pune,.............Lovely Professional University, Phagwara,...........Punjab Engineering College University of Technology,Chandigarh,.............JJTU, Rajasthan

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