Flag IIT JEE Entrance Exam> sir, igot 87 in 12 th and 65 in mainsand ...
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sir, igot 87 in 12th and 65 in mainsand i failed to do advanced.should i repeat? if i repeat is it necessary to repeat 11,12th

nikita kolhatkar , 9 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 2 Answers
Nishant Vora

Last Activity: 9 Years ago

No no if you take a drop of one year no need to repeat 11th and 12th . You have already cleared 12th . so if you take a drop you just have to focus on JEE exam.

But take a drop only if you are very confident that next time you can surely qualify JEE exams otherwise you will end you wasting one full year, full hardwork will be big zero, at the end you will be frustrated and pissed.

If you are confident, go for it. Nothing can match the feeling if you get qualified. that feeling is awesome.

Ayushmaan Vardhan

Last Activity: 9 Years ago

I generally never guide students to drop a year, rather ask then to move ahead...with your percentage in board you can easily seek admission in a reputed private institution...rest assured you will surely get posted in an esteemed organization after (or may be during your degree as well) the completion of your degree.......I suggest you to visit the websites of – Banasthali University, Banasthali,..............Nirma University, Ahmedabad,............Centurian Uni, Paralakhemundi,............Lovely Professional University, Phagwara

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