Flag IIT JEE Entrance Exam> Sir , I appeared for JEE mains 2014.. But...
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Sir , I appeared for JEE mains 2014.. But failed to get a good score.. I m getting around 78% in 12th boards.. I wasnt prepared for any of the competitive exams hence failed to succeed in other exams too like VITEEENow i have just one exam left that is Comedk uget.. But i am nt able to study properly as i havent study a bit for competitive exams earlier...I m.planning to Take Drop and go to allen career instotute ,Kota for IIt-JEEI m an average student sir is it possible for me to crack IIT -JeE in one year.. Also taking a drop is good decision or should i join any college under comedk ?

Aamir , 10 Years ago
anser 1 Answers
Arun Kumar

Last Activity: 10 Years ago

Take a drop.
Because if you are so unprepared you'll tend to be unprepared and college wouldn't be a breeze.
And if you do you will get better college next time.
Arun Kumar
IIT Delhi
Askiitians Faculty

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