Flag IIT JEE Entrance Exam> Sir I am in 12th standard and I am really...
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Sir I am in 12th standardand I am really tired of the pressuresof entrance exam coming up when I was in 11 in the start I scored well but then due to sever health issuesI was at bed rest for few monthsI tried preparing for the entrance as much I can at home but can`t cope up to perform well in the mid of 12th I joined some integrated courses I am understanding everything but I get only 4-5hrs for self study as my whole time goes off attending classesI am trying hard every next day but seeing my companions going ahead of me I get demotivated and frustrated I don`t know how I am gonna manage all I even need to study for the boards and no one is understanding my situation I Communicated with many people around me but they are just so negative towards every situationI don`t understand what to do 😟😣

Preksha cholachgud , 7 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
Jyoti Shah

Last Activity: 7 Years ago

You need to calm down first. A healthy mind will help you in achieving success in the exam. As you are in 12th standard, you will appear for boards too this year along with your JEE Main 2918 Exam. So, need a proper JEE Main Study Plan along with some tips to simultaneously prepare for Board Exams. here are some tips for you.
Get the JEE Main Exam Pattern and Board Exam Syllabus and Pattern.
To get the details of exam pattern, you can type JEE Main 2018 Pattern- Eduncle on google and get the complete details of JEE Mains Latest Pattern there.
Work on concepts. Your concept should be clear to clear both the exams.
After completing syllabus of both the exam, revise all the topics you have studied.
Solve mock test and test series to prepare and analyze your JEE Main Preparation and solve sample papers to analyze your Board Exam Preparations
All the Best!

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